Some cooperatives, for example, raise money for research into important crops. 例如,一些合作社筹集资金研究重要农作物。
The case is different, however, when the State steps in and either buys the farmers'crops itself or lends them the money to hold the crops off the market. 然而,当政府介入这一过程,无论是政府收购农民的谷物,还是贷款给农民让他们囤积谷物,暂不上市销售,情况就完全不同了。
A traditional farming technique that cultivates rice and fish side-by-side could help small farmers earn more money from their crops and reduce the impact on the environment, according to a study. 一项研究发现,一种同时种植水稻和养鱼的传统农业技术可能有助于小农从他们的农作物中获得更多的钱并减少对环境的影响。
They could make money on the sale of their crops, and could often sell their land for relatively good prices. 他们可以靠出售农产品赚钱,也可能以较高的价格来出售自己的土地。
The main obstacle to forest growth are fast-growing poor populations that burn wood for cooking fuel, or sell it for quick money or clear forest for crops. 表明森林增长的阻碍在于贫困国家人民燃烧、贩卖太多的木材或者毁林种庄稼。